Upcoming Events
Monthly Events resume this September with a mix of Zoom Virtual Events combined with in person Livel Events. Links to virtual events will be emailed to active members.
Many of our guest presenters are recorded and posted on our YouTube site.

Monthly Event
Zoom Virtually or Attend in person with your astronomy gear ~ Observation Opportunity
Ryan Observatory
Stellar Survey
Zoom Portal Opens 7:30 PM
Stellar Survey Event 8:15-9:15 PM
Join us Live @ Sunset
We welcome the spring semester astronomy students at Arcadia back for a reprieve of Stellar Survey. An outline is posted on our Discord site for members to review. Members are welcome to attend virtually with the Astronomy Class or are welcome to come out in person to observe if weather conditions permit from the observatory amphitheater.

Open House~ Ryan Observatory
All Weather Event -7:15 PM-
All interested are invited to attend
National Poetry Month / Catching Photons
-9:45 PM- Last call for Telescope Observation
7:15 PM -Observatories and telescopes open for observation (weather permitting)
7:30 PM -Welcome
7:30 PM ~ Stepp’in to the Stars ~ All Age Interactive
7:30 PM -Indoor Presentation-Scott Edward Anderson “Engage with Poetry”
8:00PM - Indoor Presentation -Catching Photons - Astro-photographers share some of their favorite pics and the stories behind their creation.
9:00 PM - Outdoor Presentation,-Weather Dependent, Celestial Highlights Night sky laser light tour if clear (bring your binoculars), indoor sky orientation if cloudy. Orbing ~ Environmental Soundscapes
9:45 PM - Last call for Telescope Observation
10:00 PM -Event Ends
Volunteers are always needed to assist with observation and educational interactions. Members are always welcome to set up their telescopes and assist the attending public with the view.

Open House~ Ryan Observatory
All Weather Event -7:15 PM-
All interested are invited to attend
-9:45 PM- Last call for Telescope Observation
7:15 PM -Observatories and telescopes open for observation (weather permitting)
7:30 PM -Welcome
7:30 PM ~ Stepp’in to the Stars ~ All Age Interactive
7:30 PM -Indoor Presentation
9:00 PM - Indoor or Outdoor, Weather Dependent, Celestial Highlights Night sky laser light tour if clear (bring your binoculars), indoor sky orientation if cloudy.
9:45 PM - Last call for Telescope Observation
10:00 PM -Event Ends
Volunteers are always needed to assist with observation and educational interactions. Members are always welcome to set up their telescopes and assist the attending public with the view.

Messier Marathon @ Ryan Observatory
Clear Sky at Sunset Only
Messier Marathon Opportunity
Friday March 21,
Sunset 7:18 PM
Civil Dusk-7:45 / Nautical Dusk- 8:17 / Astronomical Dusk- 8:49
Nightfall 8:49 PM
Volunteers, Members and their guests, interested Amateurs (from any astronomy group or society, or those interested in membership) are welcome to set up their own personal gear to observe from the amphitheater of the Ryan Observatory. This opportunity provides members with a secure dark sky location to conduct your personal Messier Marathon with your equipment. With good conditions, we can see the Milky Way from the Observatory site. Observatories will be open dependent on volunteers. Visitor center is not open other than bathroom use.
This is also a good time for our volunteers to grow their observatory ‘situational awareness.” Time operating the telescopes is excellent practice to grow ones skill set. Volunteers can learn tips from each other. There is no planned programming, no speakers, just members and volunteers using their own gear.
A Rittenhouse Representative will be on site to track attendance and dim lights at Civil Dusk for dark sky observation and photography.
If observing through the night, cars may stay at observatory/visitor center parking area.
Sky Watch @ Lower Merion Conservancy
Clear Sky at Sunset Only
Lower Merion Conservancy
1301 Rose Glen Road
Gladwyn PA 19035
Public Sky Watch, LASER Blast Sky tour
Bring your Binoculars 6:00 PM
Guests: Registration Required
1301 Rose Glen Road
Gladwyn PA 19035
Sky Watch tonight!, Members and their guests and interested Amateurs are welcome to bring their telescopes to assist us in sharing the view of the night sky. If you do not have a telescope, registration is required. https://lmconservancy.org/

February 2025 Monthly Event
Virtual Event on Zoom Portal
Capturing Photons
Portal Opens 7:15 PM
Event Starts 7:30 PM
Members have asked if they can show some of the astro-photos with our visitors at Ryan Observatory. We will do that at this April’s open House. To prepare for it let’s gather with our top 8 picture submissions tonight virtually. We can see what others have to bring to the table and discuss how to show them at the April Open House.

January 2025 Monthly Event
Live Event, In person at
Sandy Run Middle School Planetarium
Door Opens 7:15 PM
Event Starts 7:30 PM
Our first public event of the new year and you are all welcome to attend. We will meet at the Sandy Run Middle School Planetarium for a Star Orientation in preparation for our Messier Marathon coming up March 22.

January Special Event
Rittenhouse/ Ryan Observatory
Appreciation Banquet
For the past few years we have hosted a banquet in appreciation for Rittenhouse Members that step forward in service at Ryan Observatory. Our banquet is set for 5:30 PM on January 11, 2025.
Britain Hill Venue and Vineyard
790 Little Britain Road
North Quarryville, PA 17566

Observation Opportunity @ Ryan Observatory
Clear Sky at Sunset Only
Observation Opportunity
Friday January 10
Sunset 5:00 PM
Civil Dusk-5:29 / Nautical Dusk- 6:03 / Astronomical Dusk- 6:36
Nightfall 6:36 PM
Arrive before sunset : Gate Closes at Sunset
Gate open 6:00-6:10 PM
Gage opens again 7:00-7:10 PM
If you arrive and gate is not open, line up on right side of entrance driveway.
Park is closed after sunset (usually 5:00 PM.)
We may have the Discord site operating on a voice & video channel. You might also reach us there.
Volunteers, Members and their guests and interested Amateurs (from any astronomy group or society, or those interested in membership) are welcome to set up their own personal gear to observe from the amphitheater of the Ryan Observatory. This opportunity provides members with a secure dark sky location and practice with your equipment. With good conditions, we can see the Milky Way from the Observatory site. Observatories will be open dependent on volunteers. Visitor center is not open other than bathroom use.
This is also a good time for our volunteers to grow their observatory ‘situational awareness.” Time operating the telescopes is excellent practice to grow ones skill set. Volunteers can learn tips from each other. There is no planned programming, no speakers, just members and volunteers using their own gear.
A Rittenhouse Representative will be on site to track attendance and dim lights at Civil Dusk for dark sky observation and photography.
NO sleeping is permitted in personal vehicles at the observatory. Muddy Run Campground is open for the season and has overnight campsites.

Observation Opportunity @ Ryan Observatory
Clear Sky at Sunset Only
Observation Opportunity
Saturday December 21
Sunset 4:43 PM
Civil Dusk-5:14 / Nautical Dusk- 5:48 / Astronomical Dusk- 6:20
Nightfall 6:20 PM
Arrive before sunset : Gate Closes at Sunset
Gate open 6:00-6:10 PM
Gage opens again 7:00-7:10 PM
If you arrive and gate is not open, line up on right side of entrance driveway.
Park is closed after sunset (usually 5:00 PM.)
We may have the Discord site operating on a voice & video channel. You might also reach us there.
Volunteers, Members and their guests and interested Amateurs (from any astronomy group or society, or those interested in membership) are welcome to set up their own personal gear to observe from the amphitheater of the Ryan Observatory. This opportunity provides members with a secure dark sky location and practice with your equipment. With good conditions, we can see the Milky Way from the Observatory site. Observatories will be open dependent on volunteers. Visitor center is not open other than bathroom use.
This is also a good time for our volunteers to grow their observatory ‘situational awareness.” Time operating the telescopes is excellent practice to grow ones skill set. Volunteers can learn tips from each other. There is no planned programming, no speakers, just members and volunteers using their own gear.
A Rittenhouse Representative will be on site to track attendance and dim lights at Civil Dusk for dark sky observation and photography.
NO sleeping is permitted in personal vehicles at the observatory. Muddy Run Campground is open for the season and has overnight campsites.

Open House~ Ryan Observatory
All Weather Event -7:15 PM-
All interested are invited to attend
50 Years of Space Art History
-9:45 PM- Last call for Telescope Observation
7:15 PM -Observatories and telescopes open for observation (weather permitting)
7:30 PM -Welcome
7:30 PM -Main Lobby Artist Demonstration ~ Piggy Hill Studios
7:30 PM -Break Out Room ~ Black Light Space Art Exposition ~ Columbus Recreation Center
7:30 PM ~ Stepp’in to the Stars ~ All Age Interactive
7:30 PM ~ Orbing ~ Environmental Soundscapes
7:40 PM -Indoor Presentation 50 Years of Space Art History, David Walker
8:40 PM - Indoor or Outdoor, Weather Dependent, Celestial Highlights Night sky laser light tour if clear (bring your binoculars), indoor sky orientation if cloudy.
9:45 PM - Last call for Telescope Observation
10:00 PM -Event Ends
Volunteers are always needed to assist with observation and educational interactions. Members are always welcome to set up their telescopes and assist the attending public with the view.

December Monthly Event:
This event will be Live- In Person at 7:00 PM.
Columbus Recreation Center
12th and Wharton Street
Tonight’s Topic:
Space Art History
Art and Science are linked in more ways that one would think.
Photo Credit: Georgia O’Keeffe, Starlight Night, 1963

November Monthly Event
Live Event, In person at Ryan Observatory
Zoom Simulcast
Stellar Survey
Portal Opens 7:15 PM
Event Starts 7:30 PM
Members will be e-mailed Zoom invite and codes.
RAS members are weclome to come out with your gear, binoculars or just your interest. We will meet live at the Ryan Observatory and will Simulcast our monthly event from Dome 1.
Photo by Seth Dochter

Open House~ Ryan Observatory
All Weather Event -7:15 PM-
All interested are invited to attend
Veterans Day ~ Space Force
-9:45 PM- Last call for Telescope Observation
7:15 PM -Observatories and telescopes open for observation (weather permitting)
7:30 PM -Welcome
7:40 PM -Special Guest Presenter
8:45 PM - Rocket Science
9:00 PM - Celestial Highlights
10:00 PM - Event Ends
Volunteers are always needed to assist with observation and educational interactions. Members are always welcome to set up their telescopes and assist the attending public with the view.

October Monthly Event: Super Moon Night
Orionid Meteor Shower
Columbus Square Park Recreation Center
12th and Wharton Streets
Passyunk, Philadelphia PA
Rain or Shine!
RAS Monthly Event, All Welcome
The Moon will be near its closest approach to the Earth and may look slightly larger and brighter than usual. The supermoon effect will make the moon appear full for 3 nights. The true full moon happens the night before but will appear identical in size on October 18.
Join us as for a Super MOON Blast. 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Outside: We we provide telescope views of the Supermoon. Saturn is also on display and can be observed from the Recreation center baseball fields. The Orionid Meteor shower starts as early as October 2 and continues as late as November 7. Its peak night is October 22. If you have some astronomy gear (binoculars or telescopes) bring them along and join us.
Inside: Steppin’ and Dancin’ to the Moon. We will display the Rittenhouse “Stepping to the Stars” project and will also conduct a Super Moon Dance Party.
Additionally Inside if Rain or Cloudy (7:30 PM): Moon Demonstrations. Rotation, Revolution, Phases, Eclipses. All moon mini-topics

Open House~ Ryan Observatory
All Weather Event -7:15 PM-
All interested are invited to attend
Gustav Holst: The Planets
-9:45 PM- Last call for Telescope Observation
7:15 PM -Observatories and telescopes open for observation (weather permitting)
7:30 PM -Welcome
7:40 PM -Gustav Holst: The Planets, The Science, The Mythology
8:40 PM - Gustav Holst: The Music
9:15 PM -Celestial Highlights/ Laser Blast Sky Tour Please bring your binoculars so you can enhance your view!
9:45 PM - Last call for Telescope Observation
10:00 PM -Event Ends
Volunteers are always needed to assist with observation and educational interactions. Members are always welcome to set up their telescopes and assist the attending public with the view.

Observation Opportunity @ Ryan Observatory
Clear Sky at Sunset Only
Observation Opportunity
Sunset 6:40 PM
Civil Dusk-7:07 / Nautical Dusk- 7:38 / Astronomical Dusk- 8:09
Nightfall 8:09 PM
Volunteers, Members and their guests and interested Amateurs (from any astronomy group or society, or those interested in membership) are welcome to set up their own personal gear to observe from the amphitheater of the Ryan Observatory. This opportunity provides members with a secure dark sky location and practice with your equipment. With good conditions, we can see the Milky Way from the Observatory site. Observatories will be open dependent on volunteers. Visitor center is not open other than bathroom use.
This is also a good time for our volunteers to grow their observatory ‘situational awareness.” Time operating the telescopes is excellent practice to grow ones skill set. Volunteers can learn tips from each other. There is no planned programming, no speakers, just members and volunteers using their own gear.
A Rittenhouse Representative will be on site to track attendance and dim lights at Civil Dusk for dark sky observation and photography.
NO sleeping is permitted in personal vehicles at the observatory. Muddy Run Campground is open for the season and has overnight campsites.

Observation Opportunity @ Ryan Observatory
Clear Sky at Sunset Only
Observation Opportunity
Sunset 6:56 PM
Civil Dusk-7:25 / Nautical Dusk- 7:59 / Astronomical Dusk- 8:33
Nightfall 8:48 PM
Volunteers, Members and their guests and interested Amateurs (from any astronomy group or society, or those interested in membership) are welcome to set up their own personal gear to observe from the amphitheater of the Ryan Observatory. This opportunity provides members with a secure dark sky location and practice with your equipment. With good conditions, we can see the Milky Way from the Observatory site. Observatories will be open dependent on volunteers. Visitor center is not open other than bathroom use.
This is also a good time for our volunteers to grow their observatory ‘situational awareness.” Time operating the telescopes is excellent practice to grow ones skill set. Volunteers can learn tips from each other. There is no planned programming, no speakers, just members and volunteers using their own gear.
A Rittenhouse Representative will be on site to track attendance and dim lights at Civil Dusk for dark sky observation and photography.
NO sleeping is permitted in personal vehicles at the observatory. Muddy Run Campground is open for the season and has overnight campsites.

Observation Opportunity @ Ryan Observatory
Clear Sky at Sunset Only
Observation Opportunity
Sunset 7:09 PM
Civil Dusk-7:38 / Nautical Dusk- 8:13 / Astronomical Dusk- 8:48
Nightfall 8:48 PM
Volunteers, Members and their guests and interested Amateurs (from any astronomy group or society) are welcome to set up their own personal gear to observe from the amphitheater of the Ryan Observatory. This opportunity provides members with a secure dark sky location and practice with your equipment. With good conditions, we can see the Milky Way from the Observatory site. Observatories will be open dependent on volunteers. Visitor center is not open other than bathroom use.
This is also a good time for our volunteers to grow their observatory ‘situational awareness.” Time operating the telescopes is excellent practice to grow ones skill set. Volunteers can learn tips from each other. There is no planned programming, no speakers, just members and volunteers using their own gear.
A Rittenhouse Representative will be on site to track attendance and dim lights at Civil Dusk for dark sky observation and photography.
NO sleeping is permitted in personal vehicles at the observatory. Muddy Run Campground is open for the season and has overnight campsites.

Open House~ Ryan Observatory
All Weather Event -7:15 PM-
All interested are invited to attend
International Observe the Moon Night
-9:45 PM- Last call for Telescope Observation
7:15 PM -Observatories and telescopes open for observation (weather permitting)
7:30 PM -Welcome / Globe at Night
7:40 PM -Phases of the Moon Demonstration
7:50 PM -Lunar Geography
8:00 PM -Lunar Rotation Demonstration
8:10 PM -Solar and Lunar Eclipse Demonstration
8:45 PM -Twilight- Three Flavors
9:00 PM -Celestial Highlights/ Laser Blast Sky Tour Please bring your binoculars so you can enhance your view!
9:45 PM - Last call for Telescope Observation
10:00 PM -Event Ends
Volunteers are always needed to assist with observation and educational interactions. Members are always welcome to set up their telescopes and assist the attending public with the view.

RAS September Event 2024: Mallon Planetarium, Arcola Intermediate School
Rittenhouse Astronomical Society is gathering for its monthly event
LIVE at Mallon Planetarium
Arcola Intermediate School, Eagleville,
Bring your Binoculars for Bino-Blast
LASER guided star tour following indoor Presentation
This will only be conducted live (no streaming) and is another chance for members to gather. This event is open to members and those interest in membership.

Observation Opportunity @ Ryan Observatory
Clear Sky at Sunset Only
Observation Opportunity
Sunset 7:37 PM
Civil Dusk-8:04 / Nautical Dusk-8:37 / Astronomical Dusk- 9:12
Nightfall 9:12 PM
Volunteers, Members and their guests and interested Amateurs (from any astronomy group or society) are welcome to set up their own personal gear to observe from the amphitheater of the Ryan Observatory. This opportunity provides members with a secure dark sky location and practice with your equipment. With good conditions, we can see the Milky Way from the Observatory site. Observatories will be open dependent on volunteers. Visitor center is not open other than bathroom use.
This is also a good time for our volunteers to grow their observatory ‘situational awareness.” Time operating the telescopes is excellent practice to grow ones skill set. Volunteers can learn tips from each other. There is no planned programming, no speakers, just members and volunteers using their own gear.
A Rittenhouse Representative will be on site to track attendance and dim lights at Civil Dusk for dark sky observation and photography.
NO sleeping is permitted in personal vehicles at the observatory. Muddy Run Campground is open for the season and has overnight campsites.

Observation Opportunity @ Ryan Observatory
Clear Sky at Sunset Only
Observation Opportunity
Sunset 7:40 PM
Civil Dusk-8:08 / Nautical Dusk-8:41 / Astronomical Dusk- 9:15
Nightfall 9:15 PM
Volunteers, Members and their guests and interested Amateurs (from any astronomy group or society) are welcome to set up their own personal gear to observe from the amphitheater of the Ryan Observatory. This opportunity provides members with a secure dark sky location and practice with your equipment. With good conditions, we can see the Milky Way from the Observatory site. Observatories will be open dependent on volunteers. Visitor center is not open other than bathroom use.
This is also a good time for our volunteers to grow their observatory ‘situational awareness.” Time operating the telescopes is excellent practice to grow ones skill set. Volunteers can learn tips from each other. There is no planned programming, no speakers, just members and volunteers using their own gear.
A Rittenhouse Representative will be on site to track attendance and dim lights at Civil Dusk for dark sky observation and photography.
NO sleeping is permitted in personal vehicles at the observatory. Muddy Run Campground is open for the season and has overnight campsites.

Night Hike through Muddy Run Park
Nighthawking ~ To work or Play after Dark. Join us for a 2 mile hike at night through some of the thickest wooded areas of Muddy Run Park. Rittenhouse Astronomers will conduct two star orientations (South and North) along with wildlife spotting and a few dark adaptation demonstrations during our evening walk. Bring your binoculars.
Base camp (where we meet and return) is the Ryan Observatory Amphitheater. [Tickets here.]

Observation Opportunity @ Ryan Observatory
Clear Sky at Sunset Only
Observation Opportunity
Sunset 8:01 PM
Civil Dusk-8:32 / Nautical Dusk-9:09 / Astronomical Dusk- 9:49
Nightfall 9:49 PM
Volunteers, Members and their guests and interested Amateurs (from any astronomy group or society) are welcome to set up their own personal gear to observe from the amphitheater of the Ryan Observatory. This opportunity provides members with a secure dark sky location and practice with your equipment. With good conditions, we can see the Milky Way from the Observatory site. Observatories will be open dependent on volunteers. Visitor center is not open other than bathroom use.
This is also a good time for our volunteers to grow their observatory ‘situational awareness.” Time operating the telescopes is excellent practice to grow ones skill set. Volunteers can learn tips from each other. There is no planned programming, no speakers, just members and volunteers using their own gear.
A Rittenhouse Representative will be on site to track attendance and dim lights at Civil Dusk for dark sky observation and photography.
NO sleeping is permitted in personal vehicles at the observatory. Muddy Run Campground is open for the season and has overnight campsites.

Observation Opportunity @ Ryan Observatory
Clear Sky at Sunset Only
Observation Opportunity
Sunset 7:40 PM
Civil Dusk-8:08 / Nautical Dusk-8:41 / Astronomical Dusk- 9:15
Nightfall 9:15 PM
Volunteers, Members and their guests and interested Amateurs (from any astronomy group or society) are welcome to set up their own personal gear to observe from the amphitheater of the Ryan Observatory. This opportunity provides members with a secure dark sky location and practice with your equipment. With good conditions, we can see the Milky Way from the Observatory site. Observatories will be open dependent on volunteers. Visitor center is not open other than bathroom use.
This is also a good time for our volunteers to grow their observatory ‘situational awareness.” Time operating the telescopes is excellent practice to grow ones skill set. Volunteers can learn tips from each other. There is no planned programming, no speakers, just members and volunteers using their own gear.
A Rittenhouse Representative will be on site to track attendance and dim lights at Civil Dusk for dark sky observation and photography.
NO sleeping is permitted in personal vehicles at the observatory. Muddy Run Campground is open for the season and has overnight campsites.

Observation Opportunity @ Ryan Observatory
Clear Sky at Sunset Only
Observation Opportunity
Sunset 7:58 PM
Civil Dusk-8:25 / Nautical Dusk-9:01 / Astronomical Dusk- 9:38
Nightfall 9:38 PM
Volunteers, Members and their guests and interested Amateurs (from any astronomy group or society) are welcome to set up their own personal gear to observe from the amphitheater of the Ryan Observatory. This opportunity provides members with a secure dark sky location and practice with your equipment. With good conditions, we can see the Milky Way from the Observatory site. Observatories will be open dependent on volunteers. Visitor center is not open other than bathroom use.
This is also a good time for our volunteers to grow their observatory ‘situational awareness.” Time operating the telescopes is excellent practice to grow ones skill set. Volunteers can learn tips from each other. There is no planned programming, no speakers, just members and volunteers using their own gear.
A Rittenhouse Representative will be on site to track attendance and dim lights at Civil Dusk for dark sky observation and photography.
NO sleeping is permitted in personal vehicles at the observatory. Muddy Run Campground is open for the season and has overnight campsites.

Observation Opportunity @ Ryan Observatory
Clear Sky at Sunset Only
Observation Opportunity
Sunset 7:58 PM
Civil Dusk-8:25 / Nautical Dusk-9:01 / Astronomical Dusk- 9:38
Nightfall 9:38 PM
Volunteers, Members and their guests and interested Amateurs (from any astronomy group or society) are welcome to set up their own personal gear to observe from the amphitheater of the Ryan Observatory. This opportunity provides members with a secure dark sky location and practice with your equipment. With good conditions, we can see the Milky Way from the Observatory site. Observatories will be open dependent on volunteers. Visitor center is not open other than bathroom use.
This is also a good time for our volunteers to grow their observatory ‘situational awareness.” Time operating the telescopes is excellent practice to grow ones skill set. Volunteers can learn tips from each other. There is no planned programming, no speakers, just members and volunteers using their own gear.
A Rittenhouse Representative will be on site to track attendance and dim lights at Civil Dusk for dark sky observation and photography.
NO sleeping is permitted in personal vehicles at the observatory. Muddy Run Campground is open for the season and has overnight campsites.

Open House~ Ryan Observatory
All Weather Event -7:15 PM
Perseid Meteor Shower
All interested are invited to attend
-10:15 PM- Last call for Telescope Observation
7:15 PM Observatories Open / Telescope Set-up, Observing Starts (weather permitting)
7:30 PM Indoor Presentation / Welcome-Orientation
7:40 PM Indoor Presentation (s) / Members Present Various Topics (Build or Purchase a Telescope? / Proper Polar Alignment / Why are Things Round? / Perseid Meteor Shower / Steppin to the Stars, (behind the magic)
8:45 PM Outdoor Presentation / Rocket Science
9:00 PM Outdoor Presentation / Celestial Highlights Laser Tour, Bring your Binoculars! 10:00 PM Visitor Center closes
10:15 PM Last Call for Observing
10:30 PM Event Ends
Volunteers are always needed to assist with observation and educational interactions. Members are always welcome to set up their telescopes and assist the attending public with the view.

Night Hike through Muddy Run Park
Nighthawking ~ To work or Play after Dark. Join us for a 2 mile hike at night through some of the thickest wooded areas of Muddy Run Park. Two star orientations (South and North) along with wildlife spotting and a few dark adaptation demonstrations round out our evening walk. Bring your binoculars.
Base camp (where we meet and return) is the Ryan Observatory Amphitheater. [Tickets here.]

Observation Opportunity @ Ryan Observatory
Clear Sky at Sunset Only
Observation Opportunity
Sunset 8:23 PM
Civil Dusk-8:53 / Nautical Dusk-9:31 / Astronomical Dusk- 10:13
Nightfall 10:13 PM
Volunteers, Members and their guests and interested Amateurs (from any astronomy group or society) are welcome to set up their own personal gear to observe from the amphitheater of the Ryan Observatory. This opportunity provides members with a secure dark sky location and practice with your equipment. With good conditions, we can see the Milky Way from the Observatory site. Observatories will be open dependent on volunteers. Visitor center is not open other than bathroom use.
This is also a good time for our volunteers to grow their observatory ‘situational awareness.” Time operating the telescopes is excellent practice to grow ones skill set. Volunteers can learn tips from each other. There is no planned programming, no speakers, just members and volunteers using their own gear.
A Rittenhouse Representative will be on site to track attendance and dim lights at Civil Dusk for dark sky observation and photography.
NO sleeping is permitted in personal vehicles at the observatory. Muddy Run Campground is open for the season and has overnight campsites.

Night Hike through Muddy Run Park
Nighthawking ~ To work or Play after Dark. Join us for a 2 mile hike at night through some of the thickest wooded areas of Muddy Run Park. Two star orientations (South and North) along with wildlife spotting and a few dark adaptation demonstrations round out our evening walk. Bring your binoculars.
Base camp (where we meet and return) is the Ryan Observatory Amphitheater. [Tickets here.}

Observation Opportunity @ Ryan Observatory
Clear Sky at Sunset Only
Observation Opportunity
Sunset 8:23 PM
Civil Dusk-8:54 / Nautical Dusk-9:32 / Astronomical Dusk- 10:14
Nightfall 10:14 PM
Volunteers, Members and their guests and interested Amateurs (from any astronomy group or society) are welcome to set up their own personal gear to observe from the amphitheater of the Ryan Observatory. This opportunity provides members with a secure dark sky location and practice with your equipment. With good conditions, we can see the Milky Way from the Observatory site. Observatories will be open dependent on volunteers. Visitor center is not open other than bathroom use.
This is also a good time for our volunteers to grow their observatory ‘situational awareness.” Time operating the telescopes is excellent practice to grow ones skill set. Volunteers can learn tips from each other. There is no planned programming, no speakers, just members and volunteers using their own gear.
A Rittenhouse Representative will be on site to track attendance and dim lights at Civil Dusk for dark sky observation and photography.
NO sleeping is permitted in personal vehicles at the observatory. Muddy Run Campground is open for the season and has overnight campsites.