Please consider supporting RAS!
Membership donation is for one year from the time you join. Pubic events which have presenters are September through June. AstroQuora is a live forum conducted on Zoom provided for members and volunteers.
Since all our events are open to the public, consider your interest your welcome card. Just start attending! You will know quickly if you want to support our society. You can contribute any amount you’d like, but following is our membership donation structure!
$35 - Star Donation covers basic membership fees.
$60 - Supernova Donation, for those who can provide extra support.
$100 - Quasar Donation, for those who have been impressed and wish to help RAS provide bonus programming.
Membership includes benefits listed below:
Monthly Meetings (September-June) virtually through Zoom and in-person special events.
Access to dark skies at the Ryan Observatory at Muddy Run Park for Special Members Only Events.
Participation in the country’s oldest astronomical society.
Members may share internet resources and present at our Live-Stream Zoom sessions.
Important note: If you are processing a membership for more than one person, we recommend checking out each member individually. This ensures that correct information is added to our database for mailings, invitations, etc. If only one membership is placed, we have no way to know who the additional memberships should go to.
Rittenhouse Astronomical Society is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization in the United States.