The Rttenhouse Medal is awarded for outstanding achievement in the science of Astronomy.
Dr. Frank Schlessinger, then Director of the Yale Observatory, was the first person to be awarded a Certificate Medal. The medal was one of those originally minted to commemorate the Bi-Centenary of the birth of David Rittenhouse on April 8, 1932. It was thought fitting by the members to include one of the medals as a souvenir along with the Certificate of Honorary Membership.
Twenty-Five Scientists and/or Astronomers received an Honorary Membership and the Souvenir Medal.
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Rittenhouse Medal Award
Dr. Frank Schlessinger - Oct. 17, 1933
Director Yale Observatory
Originally from Yerkes Observatory, he was also president of the American Astronomical society. His main research interest was the improvement of parallax measurements. Results of his investigations are world-renowned and he is considered the leading authority in that area of research. -
Dr. Robert G. Aitken - Oct. 16, 1934
Director Lick Observatory
He made systematic surveys of binary stars, discovering thousands, measuring their positions visually and calculating orbits for many. His works allowed orbit determinations which increased astronomer's knowledge of stellar masses. -
Dr. Harlow Shapley - Oct. 19, 1935
Mount Wilson Observatory
Calibrated Henrietta S. Leavitts's period-luminosity relation for Cepheid variable stars and used it to determine distances to globular clusters. He boldly and correctly proclaimed that globulars outline the Milky Way and the galaxy's center was thousands of light years away in the direction of Sagittarius. -
Dr. Robert McMath - Dec. 11, 1936
Director McMath-Hulbert Observatory
Served as chairman of the association of Universities for Research in Astronomy. The National Solar Observatory is the crowning achievement of Dr. McMath who was known for his expertise in solar physics and building solar telescopes. The observatory is co-named along with Dr. Pierce. -
Dr. Armin O. Leuschner - Apr. 22, 1937
Berkley Astronomical
Department Director
University of California
His research was in orbit theory, and he determined or refined the orbits of numerous asteroids and comets, but his most important contribution to astronomy was as an educator. -
Dr. Knut Lundmark - Mar. 24, 1938
Professor of Astronomy,
University of Lund, Sweden
Plotted the radial velocity galaxies against their estimated distances. He made rough determinations of the distances to other galaxies by comparing their sizes and brightness to that of M31. Lundmark concluded that there may be a relationship between galactic red-shift and distance, but "not a very definite one." 1924 -
Dr. Gustavus Wynne Cook - Mar. 6, 1940
Director Cook Observatory
Investigator in Astronomical Science, The observatory named for Dr. Cook; now named the Flower and Cook Observatory, is one of the oldest astronomical research institutions in America: Founded in 1895. Originally in Malverne PA, and now relocated on the University of Pennsylvania Campus atop the David Rittenhouse Laboratory. goes here -
Dr. John A. Miller - May 10, 1940
Director Emeritus, Sproul Observatory
Dr. Forest Ray Moulton - Mar. 3, 1943
American Association for the
Advancement of Science -
Dr. Gerard P. Kuiper - April 16,1952
Director Yerkes Observatory
April 16, 1952 Kuiper discovered two moons of planets: Uranus’s moon Miranda in 1948 and Neptune’s moon Nereid in 1949. In 1944 he discovered that Saturn’s moon Titan had an atmosphere of methane. He is considered the father of modern planetary science. He was chief scientist for the Ranger lunar-probe program and identified landing sites for the Apollo moon missions. His greatest contribution was the prediction in 1951 that a belt of minor planets existed outside Neptune’s orbit that was the source of short-period comets. This belt, now called the Kuiper Belt is also the location of possible other planets. -
Dr. Harlow Shapley - March 18,1953
Director Harvard Observatory
There he studied the Magellanic clouds and made catalogs of galaxies. He wrote many books and was an important popularizer of science. He founded and developed an outstanding graduate school. Cofounder of UNESCO, he played a major role in national and international affairs. -
Dr. Otto Struve - April 23, 1954
President International Astronomical Union:
He made detailed spectroscopic investigations of stars. He directed four observatories including McDonald which he founded and where a telescope is named for him. -
Sir Harold Spencer Jones - April 22, 1955
Astronomer Royal of England
Apr. 22, 1955 From 1933 to 1955 Spencer Jones was the tenth Astronomer Royal. He determined the distance from Earth to the sun by triangulating the distance to the asteroid Eros, refining the near accurate measurement made by David Rittenhouse in 1769. He published a paper in 1939 showing that the Earth’s rotation was not uniform and could no longer be used as an accurate clock. He worked at the Royal Observatory in Greenwich and supervised its move to Herstmonceux Castle in Sussex. -
Dr. Lyman Spitzer, Jr. - May 19, 1958
Director Princeton University Observatory
He was the first to propose putting a large telescope in space. The Hubble Space Telescope was based on his concepts. The Infrared Spitzer Space Telescope was named for him. -
Dr. Bengt Stromgren - April 1, 1959
Professor; Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton:
Known for his theory of the ionized gas clouds around hot stars. He calculated the relative abundances of the elements in the sun and other stars -
Dr. Fred Hoyle - January 6, 1960
Plumian Professor of Astronomy, Cambridge University
He coined the term Big Bang but never accepted that theory for the origin of the universe. Hoyle believed in the steady-state theory. He advanced a theory that infections on Earth resulted from microorganisms arriving from distant places in the universe. -
Cecelia Payne Gaposchkin - 1961
Professor Harvard University:
The first woman to become a full professor at Harvard University. Her dissertation was said to be the best one in 20th century astronomy. She was ahead of her time showing that hydrogen and helium were a major constituent of stars. -
Peter Van De Kamp - 1965
Director Sproul Observatory, Swarthmore College
He studied nearby stars measuring their movements. He started a search for planets orbiting other stars. He was the president of the Rittenhouse Astronomical Society in 1944. -
Martin Schwarzschild - 1966
Professor; Princeton University
His book, "Structure and Evolution of the Stars," was used by astrophysicists to apply computers to the computation of stellar models. His Stratosphere project sent balloons with instruments to obtain data of the sun, other stars and planets of our solar system in the 1950s and 1960s. -
Helen Sawyer Hogg - 1967
Harvard Observatory
Encouraged women to study and enter the science profession. She developed techniques for measuring the distance to galaxies beyond the Milky Way. Her research was on variable stars in globular clusters. She was program director for the National Science Foundation, first female president of the Royal Canadian Institute and founded the Canadian Astronomical Society. In 1976 she became a Companion of the Order of Canada-one of the highest honors in the nation. -
Allan Sandage - 1968
He found the first optical counterpart to a radio source that would be identified as a quasar. His research has been in stellar astronomy and observational cosmology. He was involved in determining the ages of the oldest objects known.
Carl Sagan - 1980
Carolyn and Eugene Shoemaker - 1988
Clyde Tombaugh - 1990
“I propose that our universe
is the most interesting of all possible universes,and our fate as human beings is to make it so.”