Clear Sky at Sunset Only
Observation Opportunity
Saturday March 29, 2025
Sunset 7:26 PM
Civil Dusk-7:53 / Nautical Dusk- 8:26 / Astronomical Dusk- 8:58
Nightfall 8:58 PM
Members, which include Observatory Volunteers, are welcome to a members observing opportunity at Ryan Observatory. Membership should be current. It can be renewed on site if necessary via PayPal or personal check. This is an opportunity for you to bring you personal gear to observe from the dark skies at the observatory.
For members interested in volunteering this summer at the observatory, we will conduct a Dome 1 orientation at 8:45 PM. It will give you a good idea of what is involved if you want to operate an observatory for open houses. Other opportunities to get involved such as educator or general site and table assistant will be discussed.