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RAS Event June 2022: Ron Brecher

Astrophotographer Ron Brecher… I am working to master the art of astrophotography, shooting galaxies, nebulae, star clusters and more. I’ve used just about every digital camera and telescope design. My images are processed with PixInsight and have been published in print and online, used as CD cover art and beer labels. I share my work at star parties and club events in Canada and the U.S., speaking on topics related to backyard astronomy and astrophotography. I’ve had several articles published in magazines like Sky & Telescope and Astronomy Technology Today.

Tonight’s Agenda:

7:00 - Portal Opens
7:20 - Preamble & Officer Chat
7:30 - Event Begins: President’s Welcome - Ted Williams
7:35 - Planet Report - Denise Vacca
7:45 - Guest Presentation: Ron Brecher
8:20 - Breakout Sessions
1) I am brand new to Rittenhouse (Denise Vacca Host)
2) Ryan Observatory- Interested in volunteering? (Al Ryan Host)
3) Membership Status - Check yours (Dan McCormick Host)
4) Wyoming Star Watch - Possible postponement (Ted Williams Host)

8:35 - Rocket Science - David Walker
8:45 - Celestial Highlights - Ted Williams

June 4

Members Night Observation Opportunity, Ryan Observatory

June 11

Members Night Observation Opportunity, Ryan Observatory