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Open House~ Ryan Observatory

RAS educators will provide a live presentation at Sunset for the first 45 minutes. This provides an opportunity for volunteer astronomers to align their telescopes (usually on the brightest stars or first visible.) We open the observatories and welcome visitors to our telescopes after the presentation.

Observatory 1 is limited to 8 visitors at at time. Masks must be worn inside the fenced in area of the observatory. They are available at the entrance gate.

Facility opening of telescopes is dependent on volunteer staffing which we are currently training. Our plan is to have the Visitor center open along with observatory 1 and 2.

See you at Sunset, rain or shine, cloudy or clear.

For Planning, below are planned tentative open house nights:
May 14
June 18
July 9
August 13

May 11

RAS Event May 2022: Warren Keller

May 20

Members Night Observation Opportunity